New Light Bible Fellowship Church: History in the Making
Volume I – Year 1
Delivered by: Alice B. Atchison, Church Administrator
October 2007
New Light Bible Fellowship Church is a vision from a song of a dream. For we all know that God speaks to us in our dreams. For Pastor Eric Tate Martin his dream became a divine desire deep within to start a great movement of God’s people that would center their focus on the Word of God, on true worship, fellowship, family and community. This vision did not begin a year ago. For Joel 2:28 says: And it will come about after this that I will pour out my spirit on all mankind; And our sons and daughters will prophesy; your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. For you see our Shepherd accepted Christ at a young age when the Potter began to shape and mold him through dreams and visions. And we all know that when God gives vision, He gives provisions.
We all recall our trials and tribulations of the past. Yes, “our trials”. Pastor Martin did not go through the storms along. We were all with him. With his wife Michelle and daughters Erica and Taylor steadfast and unmovable by his side the storms raged and we all prayed. And our prayers were answered and our hope renewed. God reminded Pastor again in his dream of the vision he had placed on his heart. So New Light Bible Fellowship Church is a dream come true; a vision come to life and to light, an answer to many prayers. Yet, even with vision and provisions there were still questions.
Pastor Martin asked. Lord, Where do I start? And the Lord answered: All that you need I have already provided. Start with Plan B. And Pastor asked, “What is Plan B?” And the Lord reminded him of these words spoken by many in the raging storm “take your people to a place to worship”. So with heart in hand and vision in sight Pastor Martin, wife Michelle, daughters Erica and Taylor and with a God-provided friend began giving shape to vision.
Pastor Martin had conversations daily with God. Who else do you consult when you’re building a church? God spoke and Pastor listened. Then one day, young Erica called her dad and said: I know what the name of the church should be. I think we should be named New Light. And she went on to explain the how, where and the history of the “New Light”. And Pastor said: that’s good. We will be “New Light”. Now, we’re getting somewhere. We have a name.
Again, Pastor consulted with God. Pastor asked: how will the people know what the church is about? And the Lord answered: you will be about my Word (the Bible) and be about my business (Fellowship). Thus was born, New Light Bible Fellowship Church.
Now, God’s provided friend to Pastor began to have questions. The first of which was, “When do you want to preach your first sermon as Senior Pastor and Founder of New Light Bible Fellowship Church?” Pastor said: October 22, 2006. I was not prepared for the answer. At this point clarification was needed so I asked: Did you just say October 22nd? After receiving clarification prayer was need. With a trembling heart I prayed: ‘Lord, you do know that’s only 90 days from now’. And the Lord said: I know. Then I consulted with the Lord on a daily basis. And I prayed: ‘Lord, time is not my friend. Lord, this is bigger than me. I have never done anything like this before. I don’t know where to start. I need you to step in right now and direct my path, direct my research. Open my eyes to see the vision that you have placed on Pastor’s heart, open my ears to hear Your direction and Your will.’ And the Lord said: time is of no importance here. All things will come together at my appointed time and in my appointed place. Fear not, for I am with you.
As we closed the book on the past, the Lord opened the windows of blessing. On October 22, 2006 Pastor Martin preached his first sermon “Keep Your Eyes On The Prize” as Senior Pastor and Founder of New Light Bible Fellowship Church at the DeSoto Elks Lodge. We worshipped at the Elks Lodge for two weeks. On November 1, 2006 we moved into our present Worship Center welcoming the Holy Sprit.
There are no founding fathers to this history. For you see, New Light Bible Fellowship Church was founded under the anointing and obedience of Pastor Eric Tate Martin and under the blessing of God.
To Pastor Martin, First Lady Michelle, daughters Erica and Taylor thank you for allowing God to use me in your life. It has been a privilege to work with you, to serve along side you, and to walk with you. May God bless and keep you and continue to give you vision.